Website Owner:

Our website (hereinafter referred to as the website) is owned by the Modiband Cultural Association (hereinafter referred to as Modiband) with Tax Identification Number G62694013, located at Camps i Fabrés Street 3-11, 2nd 8th, 08006 Barcelona, registered in the Register of Associations of the Generalitat de Catalunya with number 25889 – J / 1, with phone number 933 02 35 53 and email address

The website is owned by Modiband. The use of the website is subject to the following terms of use. We kindly ask you to read them carefully. By accessing the website and using the materials contained therein, you acknowledge that you have read and accept these conditions without reservation.

1.- Terms of Use

1.1 The website contains materials prepared by Modiband for informational purposes only. The user should be aware that such materials may not reflect the most recent state of the analyzed issues. Additionally, these materials may be modified, developed, or updated without prior notice.

1.2 Access to this material is not intended to establish or imply any form of trust or professional relationship between Modiband and the website user.

1.3 The links contained on the website may lead the user to other websites, web pages, and/or applications managed by third parties, over which Modiband has no control. Modiband does not endorse or approve the content or status of these websites, web pages, and applications, and accessing them through the website does not imply Modiband’s recommendation or endorsement of their content.

2.- Limitation of Liability

2.1 Users of the website do so at their own risk. Modiband is not responsible for errors or omissions that may be found in the content of the website or in others that can be accessed through it. Modiband cannot be held liable for any damages resulting from the use of the website or any actions taken based on the information provided therein.

2.2 Modiband does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements that could cause damage or alterations to the computer system, electronic documents, or files of the website user. Therefore, Modiband is not liable for any damages or losses caused by these elements to the user or third parties.

3.- Contracting Process

Our website displays the movies for which tickets can be purchased from the website, owned by the company KOOBIN.

The prices of the movie tickets shown on our website include indirect taxes, specifically value-added tax.


El Responsable del tractament de les seves dades personals és Modiband Projectes Culturals, S.L. amb la finalitat de poder remetre la nostra Newsletter. Pot retirar el seu consentiment, així com exercir els seus drets d’accés, rectificació, supressió, oposició, portabilitat i limitació del tractament. Li informen del seu dret a presentar una reclamació davant l’Agència Espanyola de Protecció de Dades. Pot consultar la informació addicional a la Política de Privadesa.
